Parallel break-out session: Governance for Sustainability

In September 2015 a new global Framework for Sustainable Development Agenda was adopted at the UN General Assembly in New York. This framework includes a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. As this agenda is explicitly universal, the EU and its Member States are committed to achieve those goals in Europe. It is therefore very timely to start to discuss how the EU will organise the implementation process and what the possible engagement will be for civil society organisations. For Europe, a logical framework for this would be a renewed Strategy for Sustainable Development, based inter alia on the SDG commitments and building on existing experiences of Sustainable Development strategies and councils, including those from other parts of the world.

Moderator: Leida Rijnhout, Director of Global Policies and Sustainability, EEB

Rapporteur: Ingeborg Niestroy, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)


Philipp Schönrock, Director, Centro de Pensamiento Estratégico Internacional (CEPEI)

Gerald Berger, Operating officer at European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) – Vienna; Senior fellow and project manager at the Institute for Managing Sustainability

Joined by Karl Falkenberg, Senior Adviser to the European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission

Location: Flagey Studio 5 Date: October 19, 2015 Time: 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Leida Rijnhout Gerald Berger Philipp Schönrock Ingeborg Niestroy Karl Falkenberg